Wettl Ferenc

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Institute of Mathematics
Department of Algebra
1111 Budapest, Egry József u 2. H ép. V. em. 5.
tel: +36-1-463-1111/5671, +36-1-463-2094

Qualification, degree:

  • Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (ELTE), Mathematician, 1978.
  • doctor of natural sciences, ELTE, 1985. Title of thesis: "A Segre-lemmáról" (On Segre lemma).
  • candidate for mathematical sciences, 1996. Title of thesis: "Véges geometriák homogén konfigurációiról" (On homogenious configurations of finite geometries).

Position held:

  • 1978-1980 Statistical Office ÁSzSz, programmer,
  • 1980- Technical University of Budapest (BME), Transportation Engineering Faculty, Department of Mathematics, 1985-1996 first assistant,
  • 1996- Department of Algebra, lecturer since 1997.

Teaching experiences:

  • teaching mathematics since 1978 (topics: calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, differential equations, higher engineering maths, computer algebra, CAS and their programming, number theory, finite fields, symmetric combinatorial structures, cryptography)
  • teaching in the english courses since 1985 (topics: calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, differential equations, higher engineering maths)
  • a one semester postgraduate course at Justus-Liebig Universität, Gießen.

Fields of interest:

  • finite geometries, and their applications, cryptography,
  • finite algebraic structures: finite fields, finite automaton,
  • VLSI-routing,
  • computer algebra systems and their applications in teaching and research,
  • electronic publishing, TeX, LaTeX.


  • 15 research papers, 2 university textbooks (editor and coauthor), coauthor in 3 books


  • General editor of the six scientific journals of Periodica Polytechnica (Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Social and Management Sciences) since 1998 till end of 2013


  • Winning the Széchenyi Professorship for 1998-2001.

Budapest, 2014-09-05.

Ferenc Wettl

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