Sep 7 , Szlávik, Árpád (Morgan Stanley): Bitcoin and blockchain, crypto… (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Sep 14, Ferenci, Tamás (Óbuda University): Measuring the burden of an epidemic - methods and models (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)

Sep 21, Benczúr, András (SZTAKI): Embedding networks into vector spaces (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Sep 28, Zaránd, Gergely (BME, Institute of Physics): Random matrices and the geometry of random eigenstates from a physicist’s perspective (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)

Oct 5, Koncz, Imre (BlackRock): Factor models and performance attribution (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Oct 12, Almási, Gábor (MSCI): Synthetic CDOs and the Gaussian Copula (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Oct 19, Szentes, Balázs (LSE): Smart Contracts and the Coase Conjecture (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Nov 2, Lovász, László (ELTE): Graph limits meet Markov chains (in English) (Abstract, Slides)

Nov 9, Gáborik, Zsuzsa (SOLVO Biotechnology, a Charles River Company): Why drug development takes so long and how to help it? (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)

Nov 23, Varga, Dániel (Rényi): A survey of recent advances in image synthesis (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)

Nov 30, Insperger, Tamás (BME, Dept. of Applied Mechanics): Balancing with reaction delay (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)

Dec 7, Bojár, Gábor (Aquincum Institute of Technology): Negyedik ipari-, vagy harmadik informatikai forradalom? Az információ sok évezredes hatalma (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)


Information: Mádi-Nagy Gergely