Slices: program for showing and slicing stl models Slices is a stand alone program, which reads stl files, but this version does not write outputs. However, some informations appear on the java consol partly in Hungarian. The input file types are: stlascii, stlbinc (big_Endian binary), stlbinj (little_Endian binary) files created by CAD systems. (stldat is an internal data format of this program.) In order to run the stand alone program java.exe is needed. Create a separate directory, and download the files slices.jar and in this directory. Unzip the file containing 4 stl ascii files. Type the the command: java -jar slices.jar The program shows a tetrahedron. The textfields "file name", "plane and position" and "move by steps" are either empty or are showing the default values depending on the installed set of fonts on your computer. (Use fonts of max 12pt!) You may define a slicing plane by choosing a coordinate plane paralel to the required plane, entering the corresponding coordinate value of its position, and (for paralel moving) entering the step size. Consider the measurements of the including box of the model written in the screen! ! Close the input data always with enter/return! The default input file name is "hengluk" which is the surface of a cylinder with 2 holes. (Type hengluk for file name, if it isn't shown, and chose stlascii for file typ, then press "load"). The boundary edges of the holes are drawn in blue. During slicing the surface you may change the direction of projection, translate and scale the projection of the model on the screen. All edges or silhouette edges or boundary edges with the line of intersection are shown according to the chosen drawing mode. In a more developed version of this program defect triangles can be deleted from the mesh, and simple holes can be filled with the help of the line of intersection in a semi-interactive way. The improved mesh will be written into a binary stl file and a dat file containig the internal data structure. Budapest, 2006. February. M. Szilvasi-Nagy