(2010. február 2.)


1. A félperfekt kváziautomatákról, Mat. Lapok, 21, 1970, pp. 95-102 (in

Hungarian with English summary). [MR 46.5070; Zbl 223.94028]

2. Ciklikus állapot-független kváziautomaták, Mat. Lapok, 22, 1971, pp.

289-301 (in Hungarian with English summary). [MR 51.7752; Zbl 273.94054]

3. Endomorphisms of group-type quasi-automata, Acta Cybernetica, 2.,

1975, pp. 313-322. [MR 56.5078; Zbl 349.94057]

4. Characteristically free quasi-automata, Acta Cybernetica, 3., 1977,

pp. 145-161. [MR 57.2781; Zbl 377.94061]

5. Semigroup-automata, in Papers on Automata Theory, I., K. Marx

Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1980, DM 80-2, pp.

79-107. [MR 83g: 20077; Zbl 475.68030]

6. On modular right congruences of semigroups, in Papers on Automata

Theory, II., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1980,

DM 80-5, pp. 99-121. [MR 83g: 20062; Zbl 475.68031]

7. Rees-automaták, Mat. Lapok, 29., 1977-1981, pp. 139-148 (in

Hungarian with English summary). [MR 83j: 68061; Zbl 496.68039]

8. On the input homomorphisms of automata, in Papers on Automata

Theory, IV., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest,

1982, DM 82-1, pp. 91-104. [Zbl 555.68029]

9. Ideals in automata, Conference on System Theoretical Aspects in

Computer Science, Held In Salgótarján, May 24-26, 1982, K. Marx Univ.

of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1982, DM 82-2, pp. 20-29. [Zbl


10. Minimal and maximal cyclic A-subautomata, in Papers on Automata

Theory, V., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1983,

DM 83-3, pp. 91-111. [Zbl 566.68050]

11. Isomorphism theorems on Rees factors determined by automata of certain

type, Conference on Automata, Languages and Mathematical

Systems, Held in Salgótarján, May 21-23, 1984, K. Marx Univ. of Economics,

Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1984, DM 84-2, pp. 12-20. [Zbl


12. On the power automaton of a quasiperfect automaton, in Papers on

Automata Theory, VII., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math.,

Budapest, 1985, DM 85-1, pp. 91-103. [MR 87k: 68108; Zbl 608.68043]

13. Generalized power quasiautomata, in Papers on Automata Theory,

VIII., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1986, DM

86-3, pp. 33-44. [MR 89d: 68057; Zbl 619.68055]

14. A characterization of cyclic Mealy-automata, in Papers on Automata

Theory, IX., K. Marx Univ. of Economics, Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1987,

DM 87-2, pp. 19-46. [MR 89j: 68109; Zbl 656.68065]

15. Maximal prefix codes and strongly connected automata, 2nd Conf.

On Automata, Languages and Programming Systems, Held in Salgótarján,

May 23-26, 1988, [MR 91b: 68004] K. Marx Univ. of Economics,

Dept. of Math., Budapest, 1988, DM 88-4, pp. 7-10.

16. On the simplicity of cyclic Mealy-automata, Proceedings of the I.

Peák Memorial Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming

Systems, Held in Salgótarján, Hungary, May 21 - 24, 1990, PU.M.A.

Ser. A, Vol. 1, 1990, No 3-4, pp. 275-286. [MR 93b: 68051; Zbl 736.68063]

17. On output behaviour of Mealy-automata, Proceedings of second

International Mathematical Mini-conference, Held in Budapest, Hungary,

August 9-11, 1988, Periodica Polytechnica, Vol.19., 1991, Nos 1-2,

pp. 15-21. [MR 93e: 68077]

18. Indistinguishable state pairs in strongly connected Moore-automata

(with A. NAGY and F. WETTL), PU.M.A. Ser. A, Vol 2, 1991, No.

1-2, pp. 15-24. [MR 92m: 68079; Zbl 743.68099]

19. (t; m, n)-commutative automata, PU.M.A. Ser. A, Vol 2, 1991, No.

3-4, pp. 161-174. [MR 93d: 68048; Zbl 748.68042]

20. On (m, n)-commutative semigroups, PU.M.A. Ser. A, Vol 2, No.

3-4, 1991 pp. 175-180. [MR 93f: 20082; Zbl 786.20039]

21. Retractable Mealy-automata (with A. NAGY), PU.M.A. Ser. A,

Vol 3, 1992, No. 1-2, pp. 147-153. [MR 94m: 68136; Zbl.798.68116]

22. On a problem of n(2)-permutable semigroups (with A. NAGY), Semigroup

Forum, Vol. 46, 1993, pp. 398-400. [MR 94a:20109; Zbl 817.20060]

23. Results and problems on strongly connected Moore-automata (with

A. ÁDÁM), Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 29, 1994, 189-207. [MR

95d:68098; Zbl 724.68057; Zbl 834.68081]

24. Mealy-automata in which the output-equivalence is a congruence (with

A. NAGY), Acta Cybernetica, 11., 1994, pp. 121-126. [MR 95h: 68138;

Zbl 820.68081]

25. On (r, t)-commutativity of n(2)-permutable semigroups (with A. NAGY),

Mathematica Pannonica, 6/1, 1995, pp. 115-120. [MR 96b: 20090; Zbl


26. Right group-type automata (with A. NAGY), Acta Cybernetica, 12.,

1995, pp. 131-136. [MR 96m: 68119; Zbl 840.68075]

27. Moore-automata in which the sign-equivalence is a Moore-congruence

(with A. NAGY), Publicationes Mathematicae, 47/3-4, 1995, pp. 393-

401. [MR 96m: 68120; Zbl 856.68101]

28. Boolean-type retractable automata (with A. NAGY), Proceedings of

the International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages

VII, Salgótarján, Hungary, May 18 - 21, 1993, Publicationes Mathematicae,

48/3-4, Supplementum, 1996, pp. 193-200. [MR 97b: 68150]

29. On decompositions of state independent automata, Proceedings of

the International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages

VIII, Salgótarján, Hungary, July 29 - August 2, 1996, Publicationes Mathematicae,

54, Supplement, 1999, pp. 575-582. [MR 2001f: 68096; Zbl


30. Equivalence of Mealy and Moore automata, Acta Cybernetica 14.,

2000, pp. 541-552. [MR 1790224 (2002k: 68095); Zbl 973.68111]

31. Simple Mealy and Moore automata, Proceedings of the International

Conference on Automata and Formal Languages IX, Vasszécseny,

Hungary, August 9 - 13, 1999, Publicationes Mathematicae, 60, Supplement,

2002, pp. 473-482. [MR 1943540 (2003k: 68075); Zbl 1006.68073]

32. Homomorphic direct product of automata (with A. Nagy), Proceedings

of the International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages

X, Debrecen, Hungary, August 13 - 18, 2002, Publicationes Mathematicae,

65, Supplementum, 2004, pp. 513-524.

33. Automata with finite congruence lattices, pdf

Acta Cybernetica 18., 2007, pp. 155-165. [MR 2332720 (2008f: 68091); Zbl 1120.68064]

34. The Cerný Conjecture for automata with blocking statespdf

Automata,Formal Languages, and Related Topics, Dedicated to Ferenc Gécseg on

the occasion of his 70th birthday (editors Z.Ésik and Z. Fülöp), Institute of

Informatics, University of Szeged, 2009, pp. 17-25.  [MR 2553621]

35. Remarks on semaphore codes, pdf

2007 (preprint)

36. Connected extensions of automata, 2007 (preprint)

Egyetemi jegyzetek:

1. Matematikai feladatgyűjtemény I., Műegyetem Kiadó, Budapest, 1992.

(with Gyurmánczi J., Szabó L., Wettl F.)

2. Matematikai feladatgyűjtemény II., Műegyetem Kiadó, Budapest, 1993.

(with Gyurmánczi J., Wettl F., Zibolen E.)

3. Matematikai feladatgyűjtemény III., Műegyetem Kiadó, Budapest, 1993.

(with Csank L., Nagy A., Szép G., Zibolen E.)

4. Automaták, nyelvek, kódok, BME, Matematika Intézet, Algebra Tanszék,

2007 (elektronikus jegyzet).